Slam Balls
Our slam balls are color Red slam balls, and come with a reinforced air valve. Super strong and capable of withstanding thousands of slams! Slam balls are used for exactly what it sounds like–slamming them on the ground! Normal medicine balls or wall balls can’t take that kind of abuse, but the Rep Slam Ball is designed to be thrown to the ground thousands of times without breaking. Grippy textured rubber shell, with sand inside for weight.
While the “ball slam” movement is very popular in Cross Training/HIIT workouts, it is also a great way to train for almost any sport because of the explosive full body movement behind slamming them down and picking them up quickly. You get the cardio benefit of the lighter weights, and the strength and cardio on the heavy balls. Whether it be for MMA, football, wrestling, or just general athletic training, slam balls will provide magnificent results by incorporating them into your training. There is some give to the balls, so your grip is being challenged, along with your core, posterier chain, and arms… a full body workout! Also a great stress reliever after a long day at work!